The Consortium is made of 8 partners.
University of Lille
The University of Lille is a French university and through the high profile of research programmes, it is a scientific and technological pole of international dimension. Our university has decided to place the construction of a European space and international scientific cooperation at the top of its agenda.
Moreover the university of Lille has been involved in lifelong learning for more than 40 years. The department of continuing education of the university is involved in the DILABS project. The University of Lille is the coordinator of the project.
The legal representative is Jean-Christophe CAMART, President of the University of Lille.
Associazione Futuro Digitale
Futuro Digitale, is an association with branches in 3 regions (Calabria, headquarter and operational offices, Lazio and Campania): 19 members and 7 collaborators.
The aim of FD is to promote the empowerment of people through the creation of real opportunities for educational and professional development in an international environment using various models and opportunities such as e-learning and in-class training, vocational placements and customized working experiences.
The legal representative is Antonio Gallo, President of the association (Visit the Italian webpage of the project).
Agrupamento de Escolas Júlio Dantas / Centro de Formação Dr. Rui Grácio
The public In-Service Teacher Training Centre located in Agrupamento de Escolas Júlio Dantas as its legal representative (depending on the Ministry of Education) is involved in the DILABS project.
The Centre has a long experience in the field of CPD - Continuing Professional Development. Every year organises training courses and projects in several educational fields, with the collaboration of different partners and several experts. The Centre has participated in several European / international projects in the field of CPD and Educational research and innovation. So it has the expertise to conceive, develop and evaluate all the activities planned in this project. This Centre is also a UNESCO associated entity (ASP-NET Unesco) and it is engaged in projects for the Sustainable Development, for Human Rights, for Intercultural Dialogue and for the Millennium Development Goals, promoting international cooperation for the study, the analysis and the debate around educational issues and problems, following research-action methodologies and participating on innovation projects.
Hogskolen I Oslo Og Akershus
The department of vocational teacher education (YLU) from the Faculty of Higher Education and International Studies (LUI) is involved in the project DILABS.
Glafka s.r.o.
Instituto de Educación Secundaria Jacarandás
Inercia Digital SL
The institution was founded in 2000. It is continuously ranked as one of the best private universities in Northern Poland. It is characterized by great human capital and huge development potential.
School authorities have managed to build an institution that gives its students a solid education and thus a great start to their professional life. Our aim is to provide young adults with knowledge in many fields so that they can receive an interdisciplinary education. It gives them a better chance on the difficult labor market both in Poland and at international level.