Final conference / Conférence finale :
- Espagne , 24.05.2019, Sevilla, IES Jacaranda,
- Poland, 31.05.2019, Szczecin, Collegium Balticum
- France, 05.06.2019, Campus Cité scientifique à villeneuve d'ascq,
: more details / inscription et détails ici...
Welcome to DILABS community : 
Improving the support and training of trainers/teachers, staff and organizations involved in adult education in the field of key competences
The project activities of DILABS will provide specific outcomes.
Raising awareness:
- identification of situations where key competences are mobilized, linked to the labour market, and/or social inclusion
- realization of videos to identify relevant basic skills at work (elder care, cooking)
- production of tools kit, and methodological guides
Training of trainers of adults:
- methodology, tips and exchange of practices to develop innovative training programs for adults,
- digital skills to improve training programs by fostering the use of a Moodle Platform to train trainers, and invite them to develop their own digital skills.
- realization of videos to analyse educational practices (digital skills, literacy, foreign languages, vocational training...)
- student and teacher’s book on the topic of functional literacy,
- training sessions and study visit in different European countries.
Development and support of a “learning community”:
- implementation of collaborative system in an evolutive and portable approach,
- improving collaborative work and skills of participants withing the DILABS project,
- training sessions on-line for adults trainers, and teachers involved in adult education.