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Digital community and Innovation in aduLt educAtion and Basic Skills

C4 Learning activity - Study visit in Czech Republic

What happened during the week?

The participants contributed to and experimented activities through “storytelling” as a training methodology, through innovative methodology fostering communication and critical thinking (“soft skills”). They could also have different presentation on digital tools (seniors, ECDL : European Digital Passport ….). During the week they visited organisations linked to the development of adult education in Czech Republic, allowing participant to make the link with their own context, and to better understand national context in Czech Republic.

The videos of the week...

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 

Day 4 

Day 5 

The Agenda of the week

The network “Euroguidance” : a European network dedicated to orientation, and mobility in Europe, supported by EU (studying and learning in Europe)
 The network “Eures” : a network to foster the mobility of workers within European Union
The funding for the adult education in Czech Republic presented their digital strategy : development of a framework (referee) for the development of digital literacy, digital skills : DigiStrategie 2020 ; fighting against digital divide


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